March 2023 Change Log

Change Log

Change Log

  • Remove logo option

  • Can leave business information fields on the design set blank

  • Randomized Dashboard content

  • Fixed Quick links not working

  • Changed category filter from pills to drop down

  • Removed team member categories as not used yet

  • Fixed Visual Capitalist images not showing correctly on dashboards

  • Moved the user feedback popup to the top centre of the screen

  • Added a user browser checker

  • Removed daily option from schedule post (Temporary)

  • Fixed selecting custom colours and having a colour set selected

  • Enlarged text on select post modal

  • Fixed dashboard view all links.

  • Added dialogue to show you have no LinkedIn pages

  • Added ability to remove personal LinkedIn on sign up

  • Added ability to skip logo section on sign up

  • Fixed going back to edit logo on sign up

  • Added animation to the final sign up screen

  • Changed loader to show in the middle of content

  • Fixed scrolling issue with SJP cards

  • Added version number to top menu

  • Fixed logo not getting removed from the design

  • Fixed client testimonials and team member posts not saving with no images

  • Fixed approve post modal to scroll to the top after selecting a post

  • Fixed images not being able to be moved on some design sets

  • Added information to Inspiration pages

  • Fixed SJP verified issue on Visual Capitalist

  • Fixed LinkedIn category issues

  • Fixed multiple site typos

  • Fixed filter box on LinkedIn polls

  • Added Gleap

  • Removed unwanted text on password sign up

  • Removed next and back buttons from the welcome to design lab page on the sign up

  • Fixed adding scheduled post error

  • Fixed logo box showing on designs

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